Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God's grace.
--Romans 6:14


1. What are you most looking forward to about Fall?:
My niece Rhiannon's 9th birthday for sure!! My boo is growing up so fast, oh my gosh!!! And of course, Thanksgiving, because I mean, FAMILY, FOOD and FOOTBALL!!!

2. What is your favorite sports team?:
I am a die hard NEW ORLEANS SAINTS fan for LIFE baby!!! WHO DAT?!?! My college team is the Mississippi State University Bulldogs!

3. If you could go back to college is there one thing you would change?:
Well, for me, the answer is an obvious one; I would have finished! I got married when I was 19 & ended up just slowly dropping classes until there were none left to drop. Just for fun though, I would have omitted the part where I was rushing to my 1st class on the 1st day of school & I tripped & busted my butt in front of tons of people, LOL!!
4. What was your favorite class you ever took?:
In high school it was definitely Art & in college I loved all my classes related to my major of Veterinary school. Also, an Ag. class I took, Landscape Architecture.
5. Reach into your purse what is the first thing you grab?:
My Pangea Organics Lip Balm It's Pyernees Lavender with Cardamon. It is amazingly soft, buttery & makes my lips feel like pure silk!! I got it in a Birchbox a few months ago & I just fell in love with it!!

Next Weeks Questions:
1. What is one thing you hate doing?
2. What is the one thing you hate shopping for?
3. What is one thing you love doing?
4. What is one place you love going?
5. What is your favorite thing to do that you do daily?
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