Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.
--3 John 1:2


1. What is one thing you hate doing?:
Well, this one is definitely a double edged sword for me, but I HATE going to dialysis 3 times a week, for 4 hours each treatment. At the same time though, I am so thankful for this miracle treatment which continues to give me the opportunity to live this beautiful life so I can discover my purpose, because I know God has big plans for me!!
2. What is the one thing you hate shopping for?:
I've recently discovered that the answer to this question for me is BEDS! It is driving me I-N-S-A-N-E!!!
3. What is one thing you love doing?:
I honestly live a very simple & humble life here in Southern Mississippi. I enjoy sitting on the front porch swing talking to my family. Of course, I love blogging or else I wouldn't be doing it. I love playing World of Warcraft because it challenges me to go beyond my comfort zone.
4. What is one place you love going?:
More & more these days, it's been going to attend church services & bible studies. I love learning about the Bible, Jesus & the history of our being.
5. What is your favorite thing to do that you do daily?:
Eating supper at the table as a family. We mostly cook at home (rarely ever have fast food or take out), we say Blessing before we eat & chat about our days while we fill up. And there is always Iced Sweet Tea!!
Next Weeks Questions:
1. 5 Things you want us to know about you
2. 5 Favorite things about blogging
3. 5 Things you are doing before the year is over
4. 5 Favorite Fall Fashion Staples
5. 5 Favorite beauty products
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Living in the South is something special that all outsiders wouldn't understand. I just moved in a cue little house, but I haven't got a porch to sit on (much less a porch swing). Luckily my parents live around the corner and have both. Porch sitting is the BEST! Stopping by from Sunday Social!
Love those family dinners at the table. Definitely my favorite!!
I live in So. California but I feel like I should have been a Southerner. I love the food, the culture, the decorating, I love everything Southern! Happy Sunday Social!
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