1. One Show you would love to see on Netflix that isn’t there?:
I don't have Netflix, I have Amazon Prime, but for either I would love to have My So-Called Life on Instant!!
2. One song you wish they would play more on the radio?:
Anything by Muse or 30 Seconds to Mars!!
3. Your favorite song to sing loudly to in the car?:
Sing it Out by Switchfoot or Need You Now (How Many Times)by Plumb!!
4. What Movie/TV show do you quote the most?:
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas & Steel Magnolias!!
5. One silly thing you do daily?:
I turn on a lamp in the next room before I go to sleep because I get off balance in the dark. That way I don't run into anything if I have to get up during the night!
Next Weeks Questions: Random
1. One item you wish you could splurge on right now
2. If you had an entire weekend of no plans what would you do?
3. Next place you are visiting outside of your current city?
4. Are you a neat freak or a clutter bug?
5. Favorite Summer purchase?
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You should totally get Netflix!!!! It's so worth it. Also, My So-Called Life is on Netflix :)
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