Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith…
--1 Peter 5:8–9


1. One item you wish you could splurge on right now?:

The Lily Satchel in Lime Green ||| The Pumpkin Bucket in Red Rose Ombre
2. If you had an entire weekend of no plans what would you do?:
Clean out my closet & drawers, sort them for donate or keep, then rearrange my room!!
3. Next place you are visiting outside of your current city?:
I have no definite plans, but hopefully Nashville, Tennessee!
4. Are you a neat freak or a clutter bug?:
I LOVE organizing, but it tends to end up being more like "organized clutter", lol!
5. Favorite Summer purchase?:
My new laptop! The next Warcraft expansion! 6 pairs of J. Crew chino shorts!
Next Weeks Questions:
1. What are you most looking forward to about Fall?
2. What is your favorite sports team?
3. If you could go back to college is there one thing you would change?
4. What was your favorite class you ever took? HS or College
5. Reach into your purse what is the first thing you grab?
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Cute bag but I am not a purse carrier :-)
Hi! new follower here. and now i can't get that song out of my head...bird is the word...oh man. anyway, I've never heard of those purses/bags. those are really cool looking and now I'm going to have to check them out more.
and i'm with you cluttered organization. sounds just like me!
I feel like my house is in a constant state of cluttered organization
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