1. Best Valentines Day you ever had: The first Valentine's I spent with my now ex-husband. He took me to my favorite beach in Gulf Shores, AL & we stayed in a beautiful historical bed & breakfast right on the beach. The whole weekend was just perfect.
2. Worst Valentines Day you ever had: Probably this one, since I was both single AND in the hospital, lol. But I am thankful for what I have, so it's all good.
3. What did you do for Valentines this year? I spent the first 4 hours getting dialysis & then I worked on my blog.
4. Best Valentines Idea if you’re single: Watch flicks at home with some friends & order pizza.
5. Favorite Valentines Candy? Conversation hearts, oh my gosh I can't stop eating these things!!
6. Favorite Valentines Memory from your childhood: My dad always brought my sister, my momma & myself a dozen roses. Nobody made me feel as special as our daddy did by doing that.