I started off as Lemonbirdy Designs. I had my website, lemonbirdy.net for several years after starting it up in 2004. I never was able to really settle on a logo or a definite website & layout style there.
Some of the many layouts used over the years for Lemonbirdy Designs.
In 2010, I needed to make a big change. I just felt it was time after holding on to lemonbirdy for so long. I have always been a big fan of zombie movies, books, art, pretty much the whole works & the whole idea of a zombie apocalypse was fascinating to me. And I have used birdy in everything for as long as I can remember because my last name is Byrd & my nicknames Birdy & Miss Birdy stemmed from there. So lemonbirdy became zombirdy & Zombirdy Designs.
I've switched logos only a few times so far with Zombirdy Designs.
Now it's 2013 & I am ready for a change again. Not as big of one this time. My designs will still be known under the name Zombirdy Designs. But I need something different for the blogging part of my online life. I have changed my blog just to say zombirdy.blogspot.com until I can come up with something suitable for where I am in life right now. I'd love to see some suggestions from y'all, so comment if you have any that you think would fit me!!

I really love the new design!
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