--3 John 1:2


1. What is one thing you hate doing?:
Well, this one is definitely a double edged sword for me, but I HATE going to dialysis 3 times a week, for 4 hours each treatment. At the same time though, I am so thankful for this miracle treatment which continues to give me the opportunity to live this beautiful life so I can discover my purpose, because I know God has big plans for me!!
2. What is the one thing you hate shopping for?:
I've recently discovered that the answer to this question for me is BEDS! It is driving me I-N-S-A-N-E!!!
3. What is one thing you love doing?:
I honestly live a very simple & humble life here in Southern Mississippi. I enjoy sitting on the front porch swing talking to my family. Of course, I love blogging or else I wouldn't be doing it. I love playing World of Warcraft because it challenges me to go beyond my comfort zone.
4. What is one place you love going?:
More & more these days, it's been going to attend church services & bible studies. I love learning about the Bible, Jesus & the history of our being.
5. What is your favorite thing to do that you do daily?:
Eating supper at the table as a family. We mostly cook at home (rarely ever have fast food or take out), we say Blessing before we eat & chat about our days while we fill up. And there is always Iced Sweet Tea!!
Next Weeks Questions:
1. 5 Things you want us to know about you
2. 5 Favorite things about blogging
3. 5 Things you are doing before the year is over
4. 5 Favorite Fall Fashion Staples
5. 5 Favorite beauty products
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