Shirt/Yellow Print Peplum - Old Navy/Thrifted - $5.00
Camisole/Victoria's Secret - $9.00
Shorts/3" Black Chino - J. Crew/eBay - $19.50
Shoes/Canvas Classics - Tom's/Thrifted - $5.00

34 years young. missing my beautiful sister Leslie. graphic designer. proud auntie. superior being. zombie lover. aspiring teacher. warcraft elite. Japan obsessed. grammar nazi. plug in baby. geaux saints! proud echelon! ₪ ø lll ·o. southern girl. born-again christian. avid reader. thirst for knowledge. learn something new every day. knowledge is power.
I lost my sister Leslie to a drunk driver on October 1, 2012. She was 25 years old, 6 months pregnant with a sweet little boy named Shelby, mother to a beautiful [now] almost 9 year old named Rhiannon & had a career as a Certified Pharmacy Technician. She had her whole life ahead of her & she was loved by so many people. Don't let this happen to others. Never drive drunk or buzzed or impaired in any way. Save a beautiful life & stay home!
Don't you love finding awesome finds for cheap?! I really like your top! Yellow is always so cheerful.
Simple Insights
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