1. Tell us about the family you grew up in; parents, siblings, grandparents?:
I grew up in Jackson, MS with my real parents/family: mom, dad, brother & sister. My parents split when I was 19. My sister was killed by a drunk driver. She has an 8 years old daughter & she was 6 months pregnant with a son. She also had a fiancé & 2 "step-children": a step-daughter & step-son. Now I live with my dad, step-mom & half-sister. I was close to all 4 of my grandparents, but only my dad's mom is still living. My dad has a brother & 2 sisters, but none of us are close. My mom is an only child, but I was very close to one of my grandmother's sisters (my mom's aunt, my great aunt).
2. Tell us about your husband, fiancé, boyfriend, significant other?:
I got married in 2000 when I was 19. We divorced in 2006 when I was 27, after a 2 year separation. Then I was in a serious relationship for 7 years; we are still friends though. I have been in my current relationship since 12/2013.
3. Tell us about your children &/or fur children?:
I lost my daughter in 12/2005 & another daughter in 11/2006. I have also had 4 miscarriages. I currently only have 1 furbaby, a tiny teacup chihuahua.
4. Tell us about your best friends; How long have you known them? How did you meet?:
I have 2 best friends: Angela, who I've known for 13 years. We met through our (ex)husbands when we were stationed with at Army in Fort Campbell, KY. And Ashley, who I've known for close to 8 years. We met on Greatest Journal. We met IRL in 11/2009, when she & her fiancé drove from PA to MS after I woke from a 10 day diabetic coma & was in recovery.
5. Tell us about any other special people in your life?:
My cousin Mary, who is not only family, but also a mentor & a friend. I don't know what I'd do without her. My mentors & friends: Christina & Angie. Mandee, Batmanda, Chelle & my other Warcraft friends. Of course I also want to include: Janet, Linda, Georgia & all my dialysis friends/super friendly nurses, techs & social worker, Anna.
Next Weeks Questions: Random
1. What is the most difficult thing you have been through?
2. What was your best birthday?
3. What has been your favorite thing you’ve done in your own city?
4. What is your idea of the perfect date night?
5. Have you ever been to a blogging conference? If so which one(s)? If not do you want to?
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I am a strong believer in finding mentors. Very cool that you have many and know the power of those relationships!
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