Image Credit: Unknown

34 years young. missing my beautiful sister Leslie. graphic designer. proud auntie. superior being. zombie lover. aspiring teacher. warcraft elite. Japan obsessed. grammar nazi. plug in baby. geaux saints! proud echelon! ₪ ø lll ·o. southern girl. born-again christian. avid reader. thirst for knowledge. learn something new every day. knowledge is power.
I lost my sister Leslie to a drunk driver on October 1, 2012. She was 25 years old, 6 months pregnant with a sweet little boy named Shelby, mother to a beautiful [now] almost 9 year old named Rhiannon & had a career as a Certified Pharmacy Technician. She had her whole life ahead of her & she was loved by so many people. Don't let this happen to others. Never drive drunk or buzzed or impaired in any way. Save a beautiful life & stay home!
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