TWO. I switched to a new dialysis clinic in Magee, MS. It's a 20 mile drive each way, so it is kind of inconvenient.
THREE. I had a severe seizure & was in a coma for 2 days. Now I can't write or remember anything.
FOUR. I've been divinely reunited with my last boyfriend & I couldn't be any happier! The circumstances were terrible though; his mother passes away last week. Please keep his family in your prayers.
FIVE. Today, March 26, it has been 1 year since I lost my beloved cat of 10 years, Tippy. I love & miss you so much my Tippy cat!!
SIX. In 5 days it will have been 6 months since I lost my beautiful sister Leslie. I miss her so much. More every single say it seems. I hope you are busy in Heaven taking care of my daughter Laurel & your son Shelby. I love you so very much Leslie.
SEVEN. My sister's sweet little girl Rhiannon is coming to spend the day with is this Saturday. I am so excited & I can hardly wait!!
EIGHT. My disability/SSI was finally approved after 3 LONG years of applying. I am so thankful to God for this amazing blessing.
NINE. I am totally smitten with Justin Timberlake's new album, The 20/20 Experience! It is so upbeat & fun!
TEN. I love Grumpy Cat so much. She is so pretty. :)

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