1. What is the name of your blog? How long have you been blogging?:
Byrd is the Wyrd - Byrd is my last name & Wyrd spelled that way to match! I've been blogging for 10 years this year!!
2. Why do you blog?:
I love writing & sharing & being able to find others to connect with!!
3. What is the first blog you ever followed?:
The earliest I remember would be the sites/blogs of my Livejournal friends Ashley, Ashleigh & Dani.
4. What is your favorite post you wrote in 2013?:
That's easy! Transformation, which is a post about my path back to God after my sister was killed by a drunk driver.
5. What are your blogging goals for 2014?:
To make my posts more Christ centered, to blog about things that matter, to open up more about my life as a dialysis patient so I can reach out to others facing the same fate, to do more themed posts, to do devotional posts. I want 2014 to be a productive year!
6. Top 3 favorite blogs to follow?:
Both of Christy's wonderful blogs: The Lazy Pit Bull & Chrissy, Inspired
Marquis' lovely faith based blog:Simply Clarke
Angie's awesome book review blog: Once Upon a Book
& of course, Neely's blog, which I read daily: A Complete Waste of Makeup
Y'all check out this post for more info about the history of my site!!
Next Weeks Questions: Random
1. Top 3 favorite kinds of food
2. First 3 things you do in the morning
3. Last 3 things you do at night
4. 3 TV shows you NEVER miss
5. 3 places you want to visit
6. 3 people you can always count on
Come link up with us & make new friends, comment on some blogs & make your Sunday very Social!

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